Monday, September 1, 2008


Gosh I am really bad at this kind of stuff. How many months has it been? Anyways here it goes.

Skylee starts a preschool type program on Fridays that she is not really looking forward to. Does that make sense? I know she will love it. She didn't want to leave when we went for the orientation but she doesn't want me to leave her there. LOL.

This is something that will be really good for her. She had her first heartbreak and loss of a friendship this weekend but I can't go into that at this point. It is hard what do you say to a 3 yr old that misses her best friend? Sometime adults are big poopie heads ... can I say that to her? LOL. Anyhoos maybe she will make new friends and the pain wont be so bad.

She is really excited for Halloween. I already made her a costume. She chose to be Rapunzel! This weekend she picked out a treat bag and has been practicing Trick-or-treating in the house .lol. We have been to the local Halloween store twice (in the same day) and she spends at least 20 minutes in Walmart watching the people unload there halloween stuff. I need to make myself a costume and we are all set. There is absolutely no way to get Damien to dress up but Skylee would love that. She thinks he should be Spongebob Squarepants or Prince Charming. LOL.

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