Monday, November 9, 2009


This month in school Skylee's class will be learning about Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, Native Americans, and things they are thankful for. Tomorrow her show and tell is something she is thankful for. So I asked her what she is thankful for and she said "my family". I just love it. I was expecting something along the lines of Spongebob or another 4 yr old love. LOL. So this morning we made a collage and put on there pics of her family, Scooby Doo, kitties, a horse, flowers and added some sparkles. It's amazing how you get these little moments that let you peer into their adult future. Last night she insisted on watching some gross show that involved maggots in a ladies head. She refused to let me change the channel and took the remote with her when she left the room for just a moment. Oh the poor man that marries her, he wont stand a chance.

I want to take a moment to send all my thoughts to the families that are aftected by the Fort Hood shooting. It amazes me that eight years after 9/11 that we are still feeling it's affects. Damien is no longer in the Marines. But he says "Once a Marine, always a Marine." So maybe it's true about military families. I guess we will always be one and feel their pain and triumphs.

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