Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I am so bad!

So why isn't everyone yelling at me for slacking on this thing? What have we been doing hmmm? I am happy to report that this is week 2 for me working out at a gym! Can you believe it? I go 5-6 times a week and work out for about an hour each time. Skylee is her usual self. She told me yesterday that I need to buy a fast red car. Oh boy. Can you imagine what kind of adult she is shaping up to be? LOL.
Yesterday we went to the annual Rodeo of the Ozark fourth of July parade. Basically it is hundreds of horses walking down the street with a variety of wagons and a few fire trucks. Very southern! So here are a few random pics! And I will post more after this weekend. We are doing a yard sale and then swim classes start next week, and after that is Skylee's dental surgery.

As you can see AJ, Adam and Drew joined us!